08 February 2012

Favorite Movies: The Color Purple

There are some nights after I get off work that I can't sleep. I work until 11:00pm so normally, I don't go to bed until 2 or 3 in the morning, get a few hours sleep and go back into work at 3pm. A couple of nights ago, I went to bed around 2am and turned on the TV. The Color Purple was playing and I immediately hit the "record" button, knowing I would fall asleep and not get to watch the whole movie.

The story is one I'm sure you're all familiar with - inseparable love, unwavering dedication and persistence over the long-haul of life has mysterious fate has chosen you for.

Each time I watch this movie, I'm reminded of many things from my past - most good and some very bad - but through it all, there's been one constant in my life that helped me out of some dark spots.

My family.

My sister, J, is a constant source of inspiration. She raised me and my brother while mom was working 2 jobs most times to keep us going. She's headstrong, passionate, dedicated and completely unwavering for her family. She is most definitely the wind beneath my wings and has brought me through a lot in my life. J is my guardian angel and I thank the Maker that she is in my life.

My family takes care of me everyday because not a day goes by that I don't think about the many events I've missed out on in their lives and how their words and actions inspire me to be a better person. I'm 48 now and have to say that my own family keeps my spirits up and they make me proud every day to be where I am in life.

Our circle is a tight one and I'm thankful to the Lord above that I have a family that surrounds me with song, joyful laughter and daily challenges to rise above. Hope you can say the same about your own. :)

Have a wonderful day!


  1. This is one of my favorite movies of all times! I cry everytime I watch it...and I've probably watched it at least 25 times! I saw it on the big screen for the first time, when I was still in highschool...are class went and saw it altogether! I love Whoopie!

  2. What are your favorite parts? I love when she's in the kitchen watching Danny Glover try to cook LOL

    The soundtrack is amazing!


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